Brother Dr. George Rolle
Term: 2008 - 2009
Brother Dr. George Rolle (L.M. #5374) was born in Miami, Florida in 1940. He attended and graduated from High School in 1958. He and two other African-Americans integrated the University of Miami in 1963. At the University of Miami, Rolle earned a Bachelors degree in Psychology and a Masters in Counseling Psychology. He earned his Ph. D. in Counseling Psychology in 1975 at Georgia State University.
Brother Dr. Rolle is a Founding Brother of the Rho Pi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. after serving as the Historian for the Coalition of West Georgia Alphas. He is a Fall 1985 initiate of the Eta Lambda Chapter seated in Atlanta, Georgia. Before founding the Rho Pi Lambda chapter, he, as mentioned, held membership in the Eta Lamba and Theta Nu Lambda seated in LaGrange, Georgia. Brother Dr. Rolle served as chapter advisor to the Nu Gamma chapter (dechartered) at the University of West Georgia. Bro. Dr. Rolle has the distinction of being Rho Pi Lambda’s first President and first Founder to serve as President.
Brother Dr. Said Sewell
Term: 2009 - 2011
Brother Dr. Said Sewell has the celebrated honor and distinction of being the principal visionary for the Coalition of West Georgia Alphas and the Rho Pi Lambda chapter. His warmth and outgoing personality combined along with being a new professor (Political Science) and having a strong desire to interact with other African-American male professors at the University of West Georgia for the betterment of himself and the African-American students, propelled him to spearhead the movement that led to the Founding of the chapter.
Brother Dr. Sewell, a native of Houston, Texas, began his college journey at 16 and graduated from Morehouse College in 1992 with a B.A. in political science. He earned a Master of Public Administration in Public Policy from the Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University and a Ph. D. from Clark Atlanta University in Political Science. Brother Dr. Sewell augmented his educational experiences by completing Indiana University’s Lilly School of Philanthropy’s Certificate of Fund Raising Management, and Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education’s Institute for Educational Management and Divinity School. Brother Dr. Sewell has worked in higher education for over two decades.
Brother Dr. Sewell (L.M. #8894) was initiated into the Alpha Eta Lambda chapter seated in Houston, Texas. Brother Dr. Sewell has been an active brother for 30 years: Vice President, Recording Secretary, Chaplain, Director of Reclamation, and college advisor of Mu Alpha (Emory University) for Nu Mu Lambda Chapter (Dekalb County, Georgia), along with serving as the Past National Chairman for the fraternity’s Leadership Development Institute (L.D.I.). Brother Dr. Sewell was the Southern Region Brother of the Year in 2001. Brother Dr. Sewell also has the distinction of being the second President and the second Founder to serve as President of the Rho Pi Lambda chapter.
Brother Derrick Sibert
Term: 2011 - 2013
Brother Derrick Sibert is a native of Savannah, Georgia. After reading a book written by the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. entitled, Stride Towards Freedom, he was determined to do two things: 1) matriculate at and graduate from Morehouse College, and 2) become a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. In April of 1988, he was accepted into Morehouse, and he arrived on campus in August to start his journey to reach his goals. He was initiated into Alpha through the Iota Chapter seated at Morris Brown College on April 21, 1991. Sibert graduated, Cum Laude, from Morehouse College with a degree in Political Science. Upon leaving school, he joined the workforce where he worked in both the not-for-profit and the for-profit business sectors in Program/Operations management. Currently, he is a Business Services Supervisor with the corporate office of Randstad USA. After years of working, he decided to return to school and get a Master of Science degree in Public Administration from Central Michigan University, where he is nearing completion of that goal.
Now, Sibert became involved with what would eventually become Rho Pi Lambda during its formative years when it was the Coalition of Alpha Brothers. While he was not involved in the initial conversations to start a chapter in the West Georgia area, which included Carroll; Douglas; and Paulding counties, he was amongst the first brothers that the men we now designate as Chapter Founders contacted. Brother Sibert was first contacted by Jermaine Jackson, but during the Coalition’s first meeting, he was reunited with his college classmate, Dr. Said L. Sewell- the architect of Rho Pi Lambda’s founding. Through his affiliation with the coalition, he was able to see the election of Dr. Jack Jenkins as President of the Coalition and subsequently the application for the establishment of the chapter in the area. In July of 2008, the Coalition received the charter from the National Office to become a chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and subsequently given the name Rho Pi Lambda. To commemorate the chapter’s establishment, we hosted a Chartering Ceremony for which was Brother Sibert was instrumental in coordinating. Our first President of the newly established chapter was Dr. George Rolle and Dr. Said L. Sewell was his Vice President and Sibert served as the Associated Editor to the Sphinx. As Associated Editor, he had several articles published in the Sphinx Magazine assisting in branding the chapter. Dr. Rolle was succeeded by Said Sewell and Brother Sibert served as his Vice President for two terms. After the completion of Sewell’s administration, Brother Sibert became the third President of the chapter for two terms where Derek Smith served as Vice President during his first term and Antonio Burkes served as Vice President during his second term.
Sibert’s administration was focused on continuing to nurture brotherhood, branding the chapter, and developing ways to increase the chapter’s coffers. Towards those ends, the chapter facilitated numerous fellowship events e.g. First Fridays at JR Crickets (this event served dual purposes i.e., a brotherhood event that the chapter opened to the community; thereby, also accomplishing the second purpose of branding the chapter in the community). Additionally, we hosted the first Gates Millennium Scholarship Informational in Carroll, Douglas, and Paulding Counties, which yielded the first Gates Scholar in the area; subsequently, positively impacting the community and branding the chapter. Further, the chapter hosted both a Gospel Musical Extravaganza and a Golf Tournament which expanded the chapter’s brand as well as increased the chapter’s coffers to assist with financing its philanthropic efforts. Within Alphadom, we continued to brand the chapter through our participation in Area, District, and national committees (Brother Sibert chaired the District Election Committee) and by winning both the District Chapter of the Year award and the District Brother of the Year award, which was won by Dr. Said Sewell. Brother Sibert is proud to say that during his administration, we truly exemplified the motto of our fraternity: First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All.
Brother Antoine Cater
Term: 2013 - 2015
Brother Dr. Mario Hairston
Term: 2015 - 2018
Professionally, Brother Dr. Mario D. Hairston has a profound background in biological and medical sciences with extensive degree, specialized training, and work experiences from academia institutions Morehouse College and the Morehouse School of Medicine and biopharmaceutical and health protection agencies including service with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fraternally, Brother Hairston is a demonstrated leader in Fraternal Standards, Membership Development, Protocol & Etiquette, and Brotherhood and has served Alpha with proven successful, admirable, and amicable leadership with a promising and measurable history of effective improvement and enhancement of organizational performance in multiple areas of service and leadership.
Brother Hairston has the humble honor of serving as the 5th President of the Rho Pi Lambda Chapter (from 2015 to 2018) and was the first President elected by the Brotherhood to serve three consecutive terms. During his tenure, Brother President Hairston demonstrated a proven track record of providing Alpha excellence, embodied the Mission, Objectives, and Aims of the Fraternity, implemented sustainable signature Chapter programs, established numerous community partnerships, and challenged the Chapter Brotherhood with providing service and advocacy for our communities through the Fraternity’s National Programs.
2015 - 2016 Fraternal Year
Theme: “The Alpha IMAGE”
I. Improving Our Community Relations
M. Maximizing Our Chapter Potential
A. Aligning with Hour Fraternal Mission
G. Gaining the Trust of Our Brand
E. Expanding Our Chapter Portfolio
2016 - 2017 Fraternal Year
Theme: “The Alpha BROTHER”
B. Branding. Maintaining the ALPHA IMAGE
R. Reclamation. Attracting Brothers back to the Fraternity
O. Obligation. Recommitting via “Espirite de Fraternite”
T. Tenacity. Preparing for Rho Pi Lambda’s Future
H. Honor. Enhancing the foundation of Brotherhood
E. Etiquette. Understanding modern protocol
R. Retention. Strengthening the Brotherhood bond
2017 - 2018 Fraternal Year
Theme: “The Alpha ACTION”
A. Advocating for our Communities
C. Committing to MO-BAM (Mission, Objectives, Brand, Aims, Motto)
T. Taking No Backward Steps
I. Impacting Social Change
O. Optimizing our Potential
N. Nurturing our Fraternal Spirit
Brother Braddon Calloway
Term: 2018 - 2019
Brother Braddon Calloway is a Vice President - Relationship Manager at PNC Bank who partners with CEOs & CFOs in their evaluation of capital expenditures. After spending over a decade working in commercial finance for Fortune 100 companies, Braddon knows what companies need to maintain efficiency, a competitive edge, and grow their bottom line by utilizing equipment financing. His greatest satisfaction comes from building relationships and helping clients obtain the capital needed to grow their business and realize their full potential.
Brother Braddon Calloway was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity Incorporated - Rho Pi Lambda Chapter in the Fall of 2010 and is a member of the Alpha line. Brother Calloway has served in a variety of roles since joining the chapter such as Chapter Vice President, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and Development Chair.
Braddon holds a BBA in Business Management from the University of West Georgia and an MBA from the Georgia Institute of Technology. A native of Dalton, GA, Brother Braddon Calloway resides in Austell, GA with his wife, Amanda Calloway.
Under the leadership of Brother Braddon Calloway, the chapter theme was entitled, “Impact 2.0: Dynamic and Impactful leadership in our service area.” The chapter’s goal was to focus on establishing signature programming, executing and maximizing community impact through National Programs, as well as strengthening the chapter’s bond and increasing reclamation activities. With a renewed sense of commitment and focus under Brother Calloway’s leadership, the chapter effectively completed its 2018-2019 Chapter goals.
The Rho Pi Lambda Chapter reclaimed three Brothers during Brother Calloway’s term.
The Rho Pi Lambda Chapter participated in the West Central March for Babies campaign and held the top spot in overall team donations and individual donations.
Brother James Webber
Term: 2019 - 2022
Brother James Webber was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. through the Theta Nu Chapter (387), seated at the University of South Carolina. He is a Spring 1990 initiate and active member of the Theta Nu Alumni Association and USC Black Alumni Association. Brother Webber holds a B.A. in Journalism/Marketing form the University of South Carolina. He serves as the Global Manager of Customer Success, for Automated Logic Corporation/Carrier Industries.
Rho Pi Lambda History Brother Webber joined Rho Pi Lambda in 2010, and has served in various leadership roles, to include Secretary, Associate Editor to the Sphinx, and College Advisor (2013 – 2021). He was also appointed, and serves as the Chief Dean for the West Georgia Cluster, since 2017. Brother Webber served as the Rho Pi Lambda Chapter President for three consecutive years. During his tenure, the chapter saw tremendous growth; nearly doubled its size through reclamation and intake, from 25 members to 45 members.
Fraternal Year: 2019-2020 Focus on R.P.L. (Reclamation/Retention, Programming and Legacy)
Theme had a twofold meaning: 1) Focus on Rho Pi Lambda, strengthening and promoting the chapter, and 2) Focusing on reclamation, programming, and our legacy.
Reclaimed 5 Brothers and transferred memberships of 3 Brothers to Rho Pi Lambda (8 Brothers)
Created chapter branding (Chapter board, Chapter floor banners)
Awards: Rho Pi Lambda Brother of the Year 2019
Fraternal Year: 2020 – 2021 I.C.E (Innovation, Consistency and Execution)
Focused on ways to remain engaged with the community and Brotherhood during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Reclaimed 4 Brothers
Established connections with Black Voters Matter to increase black voter turnout
Secured $2,500 grant (Rho Pi Lambda) and $700 grant (Tau Chi) for voter registration initiatives
Awards: Georgia District Chief Dean of the Year – 2020
Fraternal Year: 2020 – 2021 The Business of Brotherhood
The focus was on chapter growth, sustainability and adjusting to the changes the National Organization
planned to implement over the next Fraternal Year.
Reclaimed 5 Brothers
Initiated 6 Brothers
Provided over 1,200 food boxes to Douglasville residents
Brother Timothy Turner
Term: 2022 - 2023
Brother Timothy Turner, the 2022-23 President of Rho Pi Lambda Chapter, is an initiate of Rho Pi Lambda Chapter (‘13) and has held various roles such as Chaplain, Recording Secretary, Vice President, co-chairman of the National Programs Committee, and served as co-captain for March of Dimes for several years.
There are several brothers within Rho Pi Lambda Chapter that Brother Turner would consider as mentors who have influenced him. The Rho Pi Lambda Chapter afforded Brother Turner the opportunity to develop in the fraternity at the right pace.
Brother Turner is elated to begin this fraternal year with the theme: “A.L.L. IN” Alpha Leveraging our Leadership in the Community! Alpha Phi Alpha develops leaders so this excites Brother Turner because he knows that the great brothers of the Rho Pi Lambda Chapter will continue to rise in unprecedented ways for the Carroll, Douglas, and Paulding County service areas. The Rho Pi Lambda Chapter has made enormous strides under great leadership for many years from strengthening our brotherhood and reclamation, to being a voice and staple in the community. Executing on “A.L.L. IN” allows us to be a beacon for the communities we serve. This is done by providing at least one mandated national program in each county.
Our brotherhood is stronger than ever and is impactful within our service area, but there is still work to do. The general office has called on us from all levels to educate, advocate, and mobilize for the mid-term elections and as you know we are still fighting against voter suppression and social injustices in our communities. Black men are still discounted when it comes to voting and are underrepresented. More of our kids should be thinking about college or technical school as opposed to dropping out of high school. We as Alpha Men have to help change this narrative. I am calling on my brothers of the Rho Pi Lambda Chapter to join me and go “A.L.L. IN” for our communities and show that Alpha Spirit!
Brother Richard Randolph
Term 2023 - Present
Brother Richard L. Randolph is the 9th President serving Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated Rho Pi Lambda Chapter. Brother R.L. Randolph was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated through the Rho Pi Lambda Chapter 670th House. Brother Richard L. Randolph's first presidential term was led by the theme of Chapter of the Year. The 2nd term's theme is the Alpha Expansion and Manifestation. The first term focused on fraternity. We reclaimed several brothers and retained 90 percent of the current members. The Alpha Golf and 6 Degrees Below Cigar Clubs were introduced during the 2023-2024 fraternal year. The Alpha Book Club and Alpha's Little Library promoted literacy in our service area. The historic Mayoral Forum partnership with the NPHC attracted over 250 attendees to the Douglasville Convention Center. The Brothers served as moderators, speakers, and facilitators. The Chapter partnered with the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated to host the first blood drive held in Paulding County that targeted Sickle Cell.
Randolph is currently the Chief Investigator for the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office serving Madam Fani T. Willis. He formerly served as Deputy Chief Investigator in the Cobb District Attorney’s Office. He was also the Chief Investigator for the DeKalb Solicitor General. Randolph is a product of Morris Brown College and Strayer University. He serves on the Deacon Board for Kingdom of God Ministries in the City of South Fulton, and he gives lessons in trombone and baritone to Atlanta Public Schools students through the Gift of Music Foundation. Randolph is the current Historian and Founding Member of The 100 Black Men of Douglasville. Randolph further serves on the Douglas County Library advisory board and the West Georgia Regional Library Board.